For your safety DO NOT swim at any unguarded beaches!
Beaches– Come visit our beautiful spacious beaches. Whether you’re a full-time or part-time resident or here for a day or an extended visit our beaches are waiting for you. For families with young children, come visit our guarded Bay Beach at 25th St. & Bayview. Beach Badges are required on all Barnegat Light beaches for all beach patrons 12 years-old and over. Lifeguards are on duty daily from 10:00am until 5:00pm
2025 Badge Prices: There will be absolutely no refunds or replacements for beach badges- All Sales Are Final!
Pre-Season Rates– $40 (through June 5th) *Beach Badge order forms can be downloaded from our forms page
Season– $50
Weekly -$25 (Saturday through Friday)
Daily– $10
Senior– $12 (65 years or over with proof of age)
Holiday– packaged in a gift box-perfect for holiday gift giving, $42 *While supplies last* If any holiday badges are left after June 5th, the price will be $52
Badges can be purchased at the Borough Hall during the “off-season” Monday -Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm. During the spring the Beach Badge Booth opens for limited hours (please see our Bulletin Board page for a flyer with the hours). During the season the Beach Badge Booth is open every day from 8:00am until 3:00pm and until 6:00pm on Saturdays, or badges can be purchased on the beach from a Badge Checker. All Veteran & Active Military badges must be obtained from the Beach Badge Booth before going to the beach. Beginning in November beach badges (Season, Senior & Holiday) can be ordered by mail, the order forms can be found on our forms page. We cannot mail badges, all orders will be held for pick-up. If you are ordering senior badges, a copy of proof of age for ALL senior badges MUST be included with your order.
*At this time the Borough does not have the ability to allow beach patrons to purchase beach badges online or through an app*
Lifeguards– Lifeguards are on duty seven days a week from mid June through Labor Day from 10:00AM until 5:00PM. For your safety, always swim in the designated areas which are marked with flags. For anyone interested in working for the Borough as a Lifeguard, please email the Captain, John Schulze at
Junior Lifeguard Program
*Registration for the Junior Lifeguard program is done electronically through Google, see the link below
Junior Lifeguard Registration
Beach Wheels- Barnegat Light is pleased to offer a Beach Wheel Chair to any beach patron who has a mobility limiting disability. The chair has wide balloon wheels, allowing it to be pushed easily on the sand. The chairs are offered on a first-come first-served basis and reservations are required. We will deliver & pick-up the chairs. There is no charge for the use of the chairs as this program is funded by donations.
*Reservation forms can be downloaded from our forms page
Beach Tram- For beach patrons between 4th St. & 9th St. the Borough offers a Beach Tram service. The tram picks up beachgoers on each street end, on the beach and takes them to the lifeguarded area between 9th St. & 10th St. It operates the same hours as the lifeguards, 10:00am to 5:00pm, it does not operate from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Last pick-up to leave the beach is around 5:00pm. The tram is free, however all passengers (over 11 years-old) must have a current beach badge.
Tram map
Dogs on the beach- During permitted times dogs are allowed on the beach, but they MUST be on a leash. Dogs are not permitted on the beach from April 15th through September 30th