In case of an emergency call 911.

Barnegat Light contracts Long Beach Township Police Department for Police services.

Long Beach Township Police can be reached at 494-3322 for all non-emergency police matters.

To visit their website click here

Information & Upcoming Events

  •  The Police Department continues to investigate electronic fraud cases.  Our residents should not respond to unsolicited contacts demanding payment for overdue bills such as; utility companies, IRS, and the Treasury Department.  Please contact the published number of the agency mentioned to verify legitimacy.
  • There is a clothing  recycling bin located in Loveladies at Track 55, near the tennis courts. This bin, through use, will generate funds to fund community policing efforts in Barnegat Light.  Please protect the environment and help fund community policing efforts through recycling.
  • Project Medicine Cabinet- Unused or unwanted prescription drugs can be turned in anonymously with no questions asked at the Long Beach Township Police Department in Brant Beach. This helps to prevent drug abuse as well as protecting the environment through proper destruction.