Apply at Borough Hall, Monday through Friday 8:00am until 3:00pm. Appointments are recommended, but not required.
*Marriage/Civil Union applications (Must apply in person at borough hall.)
Permits are required for all yard sales, the cost is $5.50 & residents are permitted to have two sales per year. Permits are issued at Borough Hall in the off-season and at the Beach Badge Booth on West 11th St. during the summer season. Barnegat Light also has a Town Wide Garage sale in May, residents can sign-up beginning in March. The cost for this sale is $3.00 and includes advertisement in the local newspaper & their address being printed in the directory.
Call Stafford Township Animal Control with any problems, 609-597-1000, ext. 8525
Be mindful of calling on weekends or after hours as the borough gets charged additional fees for these calls.
The State Park phone number is 609-494-2016.
Residents can report a street light outage at Atlantic City Electric’s website, and clicking on “my home” then “report an outage or safety hazard” then “report streetlight outage”.
The outage can also be reported by calling 1-800-642-3780.
If you are reporting an outage you will need to provide your name and contact information, as well as either an address or the utility pole number of the affected light.
Voter registration forms are available in Borough Hall or you may contact the Ocean County Election Board. Absentee ballot applications are also available in Borough Hall or through the Ocean County Board of Election.
All dogs must be licensed in Borough Hall by January 31st, if not a late fee will apply. A current rabies vaccination is required, it must be good through October of the licensing year.
Certified copies of marriage, birth and death certificates can be obtained from the Registrar at the Borough Hall, Monday through Friday 8:00am until 3:00pm. Please call first, 609-494-9196, to make sure the record is available. The fee is $25 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy. A completed Vital Records Request form is required along with photo ID.
*Vital Records Request forms can be downloaded from our forms page
All vendors must apply for a permit at Borough Hall. A background check and vehicle inspection must first be performed by Long Beach Township Police Department, 609-494-3322. The fee for a vendor permit is $400 per vendor.
* Vendor Permit applications can be downloaded from the forms page
Preseason beach badges are sold in Borough Hall starting in mid November through the beginning of June. Also, you can mail in orders for badges and pick up the badges at your convenience, badges are never mailed!
Only preseason badges can be ordered by mail, all other badges must be purchased in person. The Beach Badge Booth opens week-ends in May and June for badge purchases.
The booth is located on W. 10th Street by the pickleball courts
All Beach Badge sales are final, there will be no refunds, no exceptions!
All organizations wishing to have a raffle must apply at Borough Hall, Monday through Friday 8:00am until 3:00pm.
* Raffle applications must be applied for in person at borough hall.