Preseason beach badges, senior badges and holiday badges are sold in Borough Hall starting in November through the beginning of June. The last day to get season badges at the pre-season price is June 5th, NO EXCPETIONS. There are a limited number of holiday badge, so order early or stop by Borough Hall before the end of December o purchase yours.
Also, you can mail in orders for badges and pick up the badges at your convenience, badges are never mailed!
New this year- Senior Badges can also be ordered through the mail. IDs for proof of age for all senior badges must be included with the order form. Order Forms for season, senior and holiday badges can be found on our Important Forms page. forms page
The Beach Badge Booth opens week-ends in May and June for badge purchases. The booth is located on W. 11th Street behind the post office next to the tennis courts.
All Beach Badge sales are final, there will be no refunds, no exceptions!