The Borough of Barnegat Light is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Image result for job openings

The Borough is currently hiring for the following positions:


  • Beach Badge Checkers
  • Pickleball Attendanant

Click on the Summer Job Application  link below, print the application, fill it out  and drop it off at Borough Hall (10 East 7th St.) or mail it in Borough of Barnegat Light PO Box 576 Barnegat Light, NJ 08006. Please call with any questions or if you need more information about the jobs, 609-494-9196.


 Summer Job Application 
Application for Employment

Employment Documentation
W4 *click here for the link
All sea seasonal employees of the Borough of Barnegat Light must submit these federal and state documents annually
I9  *click here for the link
The U.S. Customs and Immigration Service requires this document for new employees only.  Please note the instructions for including IDs.  
Gender Equity and Conscientious Employees Protection Act *click here for the link
All seasonal employees of the Borough of Barnegat Light must submit these state compliance documents annually
Direct Deposit*click here for the link
The Borough of Barnegat Light Finance Department uses direct deposit only for pay dates. New employees must submit this document.  Returning employees should submit this document if your banking information has changed since your last Barnegat Light paycheck.
2024 Barnegat Light Driver’s License Policy *click here for the link
All employees who operate a Borough vehicle must submit this document annually

Working Papers (17 & Under) 
Working Papers for Minors*click here for the information letter
This is a link to the instruction page.  This is a requirement for all employees who are not 18 years-old before their first day of work.  If you are a permanent resident of another state, you must still file New Jersey working papers with the borough.  A caregiver (parent/guardian) must be included in the process.  Please follow the instructions, and note that this will take time to complete.