NOTICE- Brush pick-up Wednesday April 2nd
2025 Garbage & Recycling Calendar
2025 Garbage & Recycling Guidelines
2025 Ocean County Residential Document Shredding Schedule
Recycling Restrictions Important Recycling Information
OC Curbside Recycling Guide
New Materials Added
Reuse Organizations and Opportunities
*IMPORTANT* The New Jersey Bag Ban went into effect on May 4th, 2022 Plastic Single-Use bags will no longer be available in stores. Paper Single-Use bags cannot be used in stores over 2500 square feet. Be sure to bring your own bag on your next trip to the store.
Textile Recycling Bin Locations
The bin from Barnegat Light has been moved to Track 55 in Loveladies, near the Loveladies Tennis Courts
Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling Locations
Rigid Plastic Flyer
Garbage days are Monday & Thursday- Trucks start their routes early so please place all items out for pick-up the night before or by 6:00AM the day of pick-up.
Bulk Items are picked up on regular trash days. All bulk items should be placed neatly at the curb. Wood must be bundled and cannot be longer than 4′ in length. Contractors are responsible to remove all construction debris. If you are doing your own construction and have a lot of material to be picked up, you will need to rent a container.
Cans & Racks-
All cans, for both garbage & recycling, must have lids. Recycling cans must have holes in the bottom for drainage. Cans cannot be any larger than 32 gallons (No toters). The rack cannot be any larger than 18″ on the street side.
Barnegat Light has a Single Stream Recycling system- plastic, cans, glass & paper (which includes corrugated cardboard, newspapers, junk mail, magazines, catalogs & school/office papers). All items must be empty of food & rinsed.
Single Stream Recycling is picked up every other Wednesday from October through mid-May & every Wednesday June through September. All recycling must be placed loose in marked recycling cans- NO PLASTIC BAGS! All cans must have recycling stickers (available at Borough Hall), have lids and holes in the bottom for drainage.
Brush is picked up on scheduled days, see 2024 Trash & Recycling Calendar above (printed calendars were mailed out to all residents in November and are also available at Borough Hall). Brush cannot be larger than 4″ in diameter & must be tied in bundles no larger than 2′ x 4′. *IMPORTANT* Leaves are no longer picked up at he curb. If you have leaves (leaves and pine needles ONLY) you can take them to the Ocean County Recycling Center in Manahawkin.
Paint cans full or partial cans of paint (no stains, varnishes or wood preservatives) can be taken to the Ocean County Recycling Center in Manahawkin
Southern Ocean Recycling Center is located at 379 Haywood Road, Manahawkin. 609-978-0913, Monday – Saturday, 7:30AM – 3:00PM. Their telephone number is 609-978-0913.
Motor Oil can be taken to the Borough Yard Monday through Friday 8:00AM -3:00PM. A receipt for $2.00 per gallon or part thereof must be first obtained from Borough Hall
Construction Debris interior/exterior must be removed by the homeowner or contractor
Special Pick-Ups- Special arrangements must be made for some items, please call Borough Hall to schedule a pick-up, 609-494-9196
- Refrigerators & Air Conditioners– all items containing Freon (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners) are picked up the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month & there is a $20 charge for each item which must be paid prior to pick-up
- White Goods & Metal- Washers, dryers, stoves, hot water heaters, bicycles, lawn chairs, etc. are picked up the last Wednesday of the month & there is no charge. Call Borough Hall to be put on the pick-up list.
- Electronics- At this time, the Borough is unable to pick-up electronics (including TVs). All electronics must be taken to the Southern Ocean Recycling Center, 379 Haywood Road, Manahawkin. They are open Monday – Saturday, 7:30AM – 3:00PM & the telephone number is 609-978-0913. They also accept computers, laptops and cell phones. All other electronics will be picked up with regular garbage.
Please remember the importance of recycling, both environmentally & economically. More recycling equals more revenue for the town & if the recyclables are kept out of the solid waste stream the town pays less in tipping fees at the landfill. Therefore, recycling helps the town earn more and pay less, thus saving you, the taxpayer. Keep in mind, recycling is not garbage & must be put out properly so the items can be recycled. Quality over quantity, do not put “extra” items in the recycling. It is better to have a lesser amount of quality recyclable material rather than a larger quantity that is contaminated recycling.
Homeowners- PLEASE make all guests and tenants aware of the recycling guidelines!